If you prepare your students for the All India Sainik School Examination, you can use the Examin8 Test Generator to create Mock Tests. We have added the latest blueprint of the question paper there. You need to select the blueprint of AISSEE and your Mock Test will be ready in just 1-2 minutes.

How to AISEE Mock Tests?
To create an AISSEE Mock Test, follow these steps :
- Open https://app.examin8.com
- Clack Create Paper and select class as Entrance Exams and Subject as Sainik School Class 9 or Class 6
- Choose Multiple Subjects to create a full syllabus test or select a single subject for small tests.
- Now in Blueprint Mode select Automated Mode
- Fill in other details like Mock Test name, start time, end time, duration etc
- Click Next and your paper is ready. Just make necessary modifications if required
- Now share this Mock Test with your students by clicking on Actions > Share.
What is AISSEE?
It is the All India Sainik School Entrance Examination that is conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency) for admission in class 6 and class 9 in Sanik Schools all over India.
The level of AISSEE is not very tough. Most of the questions are asked from previous years’ curriculum. For example, in class 6th AISSEE exam, you will get most of the questions from classes 3-5 syllabus. In the same way, in class 9th AISSEE exam, most questions are from classes 6-8.
As you know, the seats are limited in Sainik Schools hence, the competition is very tough. Students have to score very high to get admission to a desired Sanik School.
Sainik School Admission Process
As discussed, students have to undergo one entrance test to get admission to Sainik Schools. This test is called AISSEE. National Testing Agency conducts it.
Class 6 Admission Process
The entrance test AISSEE class 6 has 125 questions to be attempted in 150 minutes. It has the following subjects:
- Language – 25 questions of 2 marks each
- Mathematics – 50 questions of 3 marks each
- Intelligence – 25 questions of 2 marks each
- General Knowledge – 25 questions of 2 marks each
Thus total marks for AISEE class 6th are 300.
Class 9 Admission Process
The entrance test AISSEE class 9 has 150 questions to be attempted in 180 minutes. It has the following subjects:
- Mathematics – 50 questions of 4 marks each
- Intelligence- 25 questions of 2 marks each
- English- 25 questions of 2 mark each
- General Science- 25 questions of 2 marks each
- Social Science- 25 questions of 2 marks each
Thus total marks for AISEE class 9th are 400.
How Examin8 can help you?
Examin8 Test Generator is cloud-based software that has more than 7,00,000 questions with solutions. You can create any type of online or offline paper within minutes. If you are a coaching centre owner and willing to conduct online or offline tests for Sainik School Exams, you must use Examin8. It will not only save you time but you will also get quality questions for exam preparation without any effort.
With the help of Examin8 Test Generator, you can create
- AISSEE Mock Tests
- AISSEE Model Question Papers
- AISSEE Chapter Tests
- AISSEE Practice Papers
- AISSEE Subject Level Tests
So, you are going to get everything under one roof. Not only AISSE, you can also use this exam paper generator app for CBSE, ICSE, Stateboard, NDA, SSC, JEE, NEET and other entrance and competitive exams.